Bruce's research program is focused on the discovery and development of novel RNA therapeutics. As a postdoctoral fellow in Tom Cech’s lab, he developed a detailed working knowledge of nucleic acid biochemistry and during his 30 years on the faculty at Duke, he developed one of the pre-eminent academic laboratories exploring the potential utility of nucleic acid aptamers as therapeutic agents. In particular, his group invented novel methods to control the activity of coagulation factors using aptamers and matched antidotes and has translated this invention/discovery into 8 clinical studies with over 2,000 patients including a phase 2 clinical trial evaluating an aptamer against VWF that is currently enrolling ischemic stroke patients. In addition, Bruce has worked closely with the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors and has held numerous positions on scientific societies in the nucleic acid therapeutic space. Finally, he is an entrepreneur and founder of five biotechnology companies and has served as a consultant for three large pharmaceutical companies and as an SAB member for several biotechnology companies.
Indiana University (BS Biology)
Cornell University (PhD Molecular Biology)
University of Colorado (Postdoc Biochemistry)
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